Our qualified DWI defense attorneys will do everything necessary to aggressively advocate for your rights and help you obtain the best available outcome.
A DWI charge can be incredibly stressful and overwhelming to deal with. For many individuals, this may be their first interaction with the criminal justice system. Nobody should have to navigate these situations alone. With the oversight that a trusted legal advisor can provide, you will have substantial protection against the vulnerabilities of your case – enabling you to have access to the best outcome available to you.
A DWI lawyer plays an important role in mitigating the repercussions of your criminal charges. Your legal representative will guide you through the process from start to finish while helping you make informed choices about your future. Having a skilled professional in your corner will take the burden of your case off of your shoulders and make certain that proactive solutions are found.
The Inniss Firm is pleased to offer our clients in Dutchess County, New York experienced and knowledgeable DWI defense. As a former state trooper, Attorney Randall Inniss provides unmatched legal insight to the individuals he represents. He is aware of the viable strategies available for each case he manages, and his track record of success demonstrates the effectiveness of his unique approach.
If you’ve been arrested for DWI in New York, you should avoid giving law enforcement any information. Exercising your right to remain silent will help your case tremendously, as it will limit any evidence the police have against you.
It is also highly recommended that you do not submit to any field sobriety tests issued by the arresting officer. In many situations, these tests are designed to provide law enforcement with probable cause to arrest and detain you.
In the state of New York, you are under the obligation to provide a breath test if requested to do so. If you refuse a breath test, this can result in the suspension of your driver's license. Depending on the facts associated with your case, this can be detrimental to your credibility down the road.
The most important thing to do following a DWI arrest is to get in contact with a credible defense attorney. They will provide you with the best plan of action to take given your particular circumstances, and walk you through the next steps of your case.
A DWI arrest can affect many aspects of your life. You may be required to have an ignition interlock device installed on your vehicle, and maintain a restricted license for a length of time. Additionally, you will likely be subject to fines and court fees – along with potential classes and jail time.
A DWI conviction can impact your reputation, employment, housing situation, and other relationships. If you’re facing charges for driving under the influence, immediate legal action should be taken. To ensure your rights are protected, it is vital that you retain a skilled attorney as soon after your arrest as possible.
A DWI lawyer will be able to negotiate on your behalf and help you take the necessary steps to mitigate the potential consequences of your charges. Attempting to represent yourself in a DWI case can result in you receiving the harshest penalties allotted by the state of New York.
The Inniss Firm is committed to helping you overcome the challenges that may come with your arrest. We will stand by your side every step of the way to ensure you are being treated fairly by prosecutors.
With years of experience in this field of law, Attorney Randall Inniss knows exactly how to manage DWI cases. By working with The Inniss Firm, you can be sure you’re in good hands.
Are you seeking a defense lawyer in Dutchess County, New York who will fight for you? Call The Inniss Firm today to get started with an initial consultation!
If You Have Been Arrested, Time Is Precious So Don't Delay Or
Wait! Call Us Today At (845) 533-0265